Back To Here With Sarita

Back To Here With Sarita

Hosted by: Sarita Buer

Back to Here With Sarita Podcast is the modern approach to wellbeing where you have the best blend of mindset, self-love and healing. Here you will find conversations that include topics around self-love,...

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Ep.005 The Self Embrace Series: Guest Jessica Derksen

Welcome to "Back To Here With Sarita Podcast". This is a SPECIAL episode called Self-Embrace Series where I have guest on my show that share their healing stories of coming back to themselves. Today I had my first...
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Ep.004 Self-Love has become a marketing ploy

The term Self-Love has become a mainstream word, and as a result we get farther away from it’s true meaning is. Self-Love, along with Self-Care has become a buzz word to the point many of us search outside of...
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Ep.003 Letting Go Of The Outcome

Learning to move with the flow of life, Sarita shares how her designated work for 2023, Expansion, has already been experienced. She shares that through coming home to her self in the moment when she least expected it...
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Ep.002 The Best New Years Practice

It’s a new year and it’s not to late to ask yourself the important questions that will help you reflect on the last year. In this Episode Sarita shares with you her yearly practice of asking herself the questions of...
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Ep.001 Get To Know Sarita

In this first official episode, Sarita introduces herself and shares that healing does not need to look just one way and that dropping identities, like the people pleasure, we can become who we are truly meant to be....
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BONUS Episode #2

Join Sarita to find out what what inspired her to create the name of her podcast and what it means and why it is important for us. Also find out how you can win prizes at the Launch Party scheduled for January 2, 2023!
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BONUS Episode #1

Get more insight on what to expect when you subscribe and listen to Back To Here With Sarita. You will get to find out logistically what is to come, type of guests, length of episodes etc and learn more about your...
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Trailer for Back to Here With Sarita

Want to know more about Back To Here With Sarita launching in January 2023?! Get the scoop on all the juicy details on what's to come on this wellness and healing podcast here! Make sure to connect with Sarita...
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