Ep.034 The Solar Eclipse: Aries Power

In this episode, Sarita discusses the solar eclipse on April 8 and new moon in Aries. She provides information on the eclipse, the new moon, and the significance of their combination. Sarita also talks about the energy of the current astrological season and the effects of Mercury retrograde. She offers recommendations for navigating this time and setting intentions. Overall, the episode emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, releasing what no longer serves us, and embracing our authentic selves.


Breakdown Of Episode:

03:08 Life Update: Beauty and Wellness Event in Los Angeles

05:30 Overview of the Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Aries

09:45 The Energy of the Eclipse and New Moon

14:33 Mercury Retrograde and Aries Season

27:18 Quantum Leaping and Detaching from the Outcome

30:00 Taking Care of Ourselves and Surrendering

32:55 Setting Intentions and Manifesting Our Desires

33:51 Closing Remarks and Call to Action


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Connect with Sarita @saritawellness at the following links below:

IG: https://www.instagram.com/saritawellness 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/saritawellness 

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/@saritawellness

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@saritawellness 



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