Sarita (00:00.418)
Hello again, beautiful you. I am so glad that you're here for another episode of Back to Here with Sarita. I am your guest, Sarita. If you are joining me for the very first time, I am so glad that you've chosen to come here to this podcast and also this episode so I can help support you on your healing journey, manifesting self-love and all things abundant.
So if you're catching this episode when it drops originally, it is now officially the third week of January, and oh my God, it's already gone by so fast, so we're halfway through. And also, my year started off with quite the bang. I just got back from an amazing two-week getaway vacation to Sedona, Arizona, where I spent the New Year and New Year's Eve.
hiking and enjoying the fresh mountain air. During that trip, I learned so much about myself and I got so much inspiration. And the trip actually was a download that came to me in a dream actually to go there. So I plan on doing a full podcast episode next month solely on my trip to Sedona. So you can hear all the wisdom, all the nuggets, all the things that I learned.
about myself during that trip and my takeaways. And right now it feels really surreal to actually be back in Southern California again. I feel like at times we need to actually get away in order to truly appreciate where we are and where we are in life. And so that's what happened for me. I had to leave to really appreciate Southern California and living by the beach. Has this ever happened to you?
where you have had to go somewhere to rejuvenate, reset, and then you come back feeling so much more aligned and grounded and where you are. And that is exactly how I feel. So it is January and it is a new year and I don't know about you but the energy of this year is totally, totally lit. I can feel it. I don't know if you've been feeling this but I felt the shift.
Sarita (02:25.986)
from 2023 to 2024. And we will get into the numerology and all that in just a moment. But I love January. January feels like this completely new slate. It feels like new beginnings. It feels like a time when you can really focus on the goals and the things you'd want to desire, what you desire to manifest into your life.
This is the time when New Year's resolutions are really being implemented and put into place. People are creating vision boards. People are sharing their goals and things with each other. That energy is all about new, new. And it's so exciting. And so for me personally, what I really love to do is I utilize the last week of December and into January to get really, really clear on the things that I desire to manifest.
Meaning I focus on the three areas of my life that I want to focus heavily on for that year in order to create attract and manifest into my reality For me, I have found that traditional goal setting Doesn't really work for me anymore And I really believe it's a thing that a lot of people don't acknowledge that doesn't work for them and therefore we have so many people falling off their new year's resolutions by
February so I implement embodiment practices to help me reach my goals in That year and I will talk much more about that in another episode I'm a firm believer in order for us to know where we're going We need to know where we've been and where we are now So let me break that down to you when you get on your phone and look at your maps
and you put in the directions into your phone to get to from point A to point B. What is the first thing besides asking, where you're going, is what is the first thing that your maps will ask you? What is the first thing the GPS will ask you? It'll ask for your location, right? So the GPS needs to know where you're going and then it needs to know where you are in order to know where you're going.
Sarita (04:46.722)
So you need to know where you are right now in order to know where you're going. And so that's why I think this process is so amazing, where you get to really get clear on knowing where you're going in order to find out that you can reflect on where you've been and what has occurred. So taking the lessons from 2023 and learning where you are now.
If this is something that you desire some support in because I've done this process many, many times now. And if you want support on this, you can book an activation call and that'll be in the show notes. I will put the link down below. So back to the energy of this year of 2024. We just launched the new year off with a new moon in Capricorn. And that happened a couple of days ago on the 11th.
And the qualities of this new moon, the qualities of the new moon in Capricorn are things like creating solid foundations, focus, clarity, refinement, long-term actions, balance, and applicable actions. Which makes total sense, right? Because January symbolizes new beginnings. January symbolizes a clean slate.
And what I love most about this time of year, and what I think is really exciting about 2024, is that in numerology terms, and we're gonna get into angel numbers because those are like a big thing right now, I know a lot of people are into them, if you add up the year 2024, you get the number eight. And in numerology and angel numbers, the number eight signifies prosperity.
and abundance. Last year, if you add up 2 0 2 3, it equates 7. And so 7 in spiritual terms in numerology and angel numbers is all about expansion. So we were prompted to expand and dive a lot deeper into our inner worlds. 2023 for a lot of people was really rough. We were required to go into deep parts of ourselves and uncover parts of ourselves that we thought never existed.
Sarita (07:10.878)
My year, my word for last year was expansion and did I feel it? Year eight is about the upgrade. It's about utilizing the wisdom that you gathered from year seven and bring it forth into 2023-2024, excuse me, into tangible and achievable results. This year is about claiming your abundance and your authority and abundance as you may know.
is available to you at all times, anytime you need it. Remember that GPS analogy that I was just talking about that we were reflecting on? Reflecting on last year, 2023, year seven, as a resource to gather more information so you can make it the most prosperous and abundant year yet. And what is even more magical?
is that you have the energy of this year in your favor. Meaning it's already abundant and prosperous year energetically. So why not make it the most memorable year that you can ever, ever have? Now let's talk about abundance for a minute. If you are joining me for the first time or if you've been a follower of this podcast for a while, I talk about all.
things abundance. I talk about it on my Instagram. I talk about it on my TikTok. Abundance is my jam and abundance as we know is not just about money. We're not talking just about money. Money is a byproduct of having an abundant mindset or having a aspect of believing in abundance, right? It's not abundance does not equate money and money does not equate abundance.
Abundance simply, let me remind you, is simply overflow and excess of something. Abundance is anything that you feel that you desire more of or experience of. So it can be time, it can be energy, it can be love, it can be resources, it can be money, whatever it is you desire. Abundance. And also...
Sarita (09:30.69)
What makes this year really exciting in 2024 is that in Chinese astrology, and it's not something I really know that much about, is that this year is unique. That it's the year of the dragon. So I don't really know much about astrology or Chinese astrology, I should say, but my understanding in doing some reading about it is that the dragon symbolizes ambition, passion, and creativity. So qualities that are
amazing and wonderful that will help you create an abundant and prosperous year. So as you reflect and prepare for this year, and I know we're already a couple weeks in but you're not on the late train, it's all okay, is as you prepare for an abundant year and being in the energy of abundance, which is in your favor remember,
What lessons, these are some questions you can ask yourself, what lessons did I take from 2023 that I do not want to repeat again in 2024? What did work in 2023 that I want to continue in 2024? What do I desire to create? What do I desire to call in? What do I desire to manifest? What do I desire to attract this year?
These are all really great questions to reflect on. And again, if you desire to have assistance in all that, because there are some people that are walking around not knowing what they want. I was one of those people for a long time. But it wasn't until going through these particular processes that it helped me understand, reflecting back, knowing where I am and going forward. You can book an activation call with me to help you get a lot more settled.
in the direction you're going. Remember that GPS. And again, I will drop the link below in the show notes. Well, thank you so much. It's a short episode, but thank you so much for being here with me today. And it is fun as always. This is officially my second video episode of the year. And I don't know if you heard this, but in January I declared that all my episodes are going to be
Sarita (11:51.898)
So if you're hearing this on audio version and you want to see my face, please make sure to head over to Spotify or YouTube because the podcast is also in those locations or videos are also in that location. YouTube, the handle is Sarita Wellness and make sure to subscribe to that channel. And if you are seeing this on YouTube, I just want to say thank you so much for being here.
and bearing with me as I discover more about myself when it comes to creating YouTube videos and video podcasts. I am so happy that you have been here today to listen and learn more about the abundance and the energy of this year. And again, I wanna say thank you for supporting this show and the next episode will be amazing because I'm gonna have a guest on it.
So we're gonna be having abundance chats going on into this year. That is the theme of 2024 is abundance chats when I have my guest. And thank you again. Make sure to subscribe to this YouTube channel if you're seeing this on YouTube so you can get notification of when the next episode comes live. And then also make sure to hit the subscribe button on the platform that you're listening to this podcast too. Thank you so much.
It's been amazing and we will see you soon and keep being the amazing you that you are.