Ep.025 Expansion And Possibility

December is a unique month of the year.

It’s the month when a LOT is happening like business trying to meet their end financial goals, the holidays, shopping, spending time from family, Sagittarius season, brainstorming New Years resolutions, reflecting on the year past and a LOT more.

In this episode Sarita explains BOTH expansion and possibility and how it can help you in this season. Leaning into possibility, trusting the process and trusting in yourself when times can feel hectic, especially as we wrap up 2023. Where in your life can you lean more into expansion and possibility?


Want to heal your body to feel more at ease around your relationship with money?! Join Sarita’s first Group Coaching Program Dymystify Your Money Wounds starting on January 2nd!



Connect with Sarita @saritawellness at the following links below:

IG: https://www.instagram.com/saritawellness 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/saritawellness 

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/@saritawellness

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@saritawellness 




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