Ep.021 3 Steps I Took To Manifest 2 Homes in 6 Months

2 dream homes in 6 months..

There is magic in believing what is possible when we trust.

Sarita shares the exact 3 steps that she personally took to manifest not just 1 home BUT 2 homes in a matter of 6 months back in last 2020 and early 2021.

When we desire something and want it to become a reality, we need to trust the process will happen in the right timing. This is what manifesting is all about

This is a perfect episode for anyone who is having doubts about the manifesting process OR if you are on the house hunt yourself. Share it with a friend and leave a review.


Make sure to connect with Sarita @saritawellness at the following links below:

IG: https://www.instagram.com/saritawellness 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/saritawellness 

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/@saritawellness

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@saritawellness 


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