This video series is for you if:


  1. You are feeling overwhelmed and anxious with everything that is going on in the world
  2. You need a break from the news and want to fill up on positive support
  3. You want to hear from other people how they are working through quarantine 
  4. You desire to give yourself the must needed self-love and emotional support
  5. You would like to fill your cup up so you can continue to be of service to others
  6. You desire to utilize this time you have been provided to dig deeper into your purpose
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Here's What's Inside

Ilona Pamplona


Elise Mak

Creating Deeper Connections with Friends & Family

Miko Lau

The Opportunity For Self-Reflection

Monica Coronel

Being A Leader In Your Life 

Lexi Beal

The Opportunity To Pivot

Jessie Medina

The Opportunity To Create 

Harry Lopez

 Pivoting Into Creation


50% Complete

Two Step

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